Diigo for Collaboration
Denver Discovery School is a newly opened middle school in Stapleton. It is one of only a few
middle schools in Denver Public Schools with a 1:1 student tech ratio. As a new staff at a new, pioneering school, our professional dialogues are always framed by a cycle of inquiry: Question, research, implement, assess, adjust, question. It is through this process that we are building or programing. As a result there is a lot of information sharing. When one of us reads an interesting article about a subject that is pertinent to our cycle of inquiry, we share, usually sending it out in an email.
However, teachers are busy, and there is so much out there to read and so little time to read it all. I decided to set up a diigo group for our staff so we could more efficiently share information. Instead of sharing an article and expecting our colleagues to read the entire thing, one person wanting to share the information can highlight the meaty points and then the rest of the staff can zero in on these specific points, adding comments in the message boxes provided on the diigo page. Not only do we share the research, we build ideas around that research with diggo.