Veronica Fiedler
Explorer Learner Educator
Project |02 Using the Building Blocks of Brain Development for SLD
training series
Created in collaboration with author, speaker and Colorado psychologist of the year, Dr. Peter Thompson, the first courses in this training series, Using the Building Blocks of Brain Development to Understand and Assess Learning Disabilities, teaches how to use the Building Blocks of Brain Development as a framework to guide IEP teams in building a comprehensive body of evidence for the SLD eligibility process. This course launched in the fall of 2021. The modules from the second course, Using the Building Blocks of Brain Development to Support Students with Learning Disabilities, covers how to use the BBBD for designing interventions and accommodations to support struggling learners in the classroom. This second course launched in fall of 2022. These online courses run seasonally (spring, summer and fall). We have also developed a face-to-face workshop to help facilitate implementation of the evaluation framework presented in the first course. Click the image below to view the open source version of the course Using the Building Blocks of Brain Development to Support Students with Learning Disabilities.